More Strategies for CATAN

CATAN board game setup up for beginners
CATAN board game setup up for beginners

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Are you ready for the next level of strategies for CATAN?

Playing CATAN
Playing CATAN

Let’s talk about your own advantages and those of your opponents. CATAN is also known as Settlers of Catan. Yep, they are the same game, although now there are many expansions and variations on the original base game. The strategies discussed in this post, however, concern the original base game.

First: Identify Your Advantage

If you placed your settlements well, you should have a good balance of resources and you should find yourself with at least one advantage. Know your strengths, and use that to build your winning strategy. Your resources will likely determine which winning strategy you adopt: “Up” or “Out.” Read more about the “Up” or “Out” strategies for CATAN here.

Which resources will you most likely receive most often? That likely defines your advantage.

Ore Strategies for CATAN

Having plenty of ore will help you build cities fastest, assuming you have wheat to go with the ore. Build 2 cities as quickly as possible by trading away sheep, brick, and wood for ore or wheat until both cities are up. Then expand once or twice while building development cards and eventually more cities. If you need brick or wood, rely on development cards and trading to help you expand. A typical win would involve 3 to 4 cities, plus victory cards and/or largest army.

Wood and Brick Strategies for CATAN

Someone might have more wood or brick than you, but if you have the best combination of the two you can expand faster than the other players. Win races to sweet spots and prepare the longest road, but don’t become a target by making it happen too quickly. Try not to let people block or interrupt your road chain. Expand to ore sources and good ports so you can build cities. Typical win: 2 cities, 4 settlements, and longest road.

Brick cards from Settlers of Catan
CATAN game cards for the brick resource

Balance of Ore, Wheat, and Sheep Strategies for CATAN

You are a development card factory! You have no need for wood or brick sources. Just make development cards, as well as other things when possible (if you have the choice between development cards or a city or settlement, build the city or settlement). You’ll need to build at least one settlement, using wood and brick from trading and/or development cards. A typical win looks like 3 cities, largest army, and some victory cards.

Balance of All 5 Resources Strategies for CATAN

A truly balanced start will help you build both settlements and cities reliably for a production lead. Secure two good expansion spots, including at least one useful port (a 3:1 port is recommended), and upgrade your initial settlements. Once you have a lead in production, you can compete for longest road or largest army, and/or build more cities or settlements.

Strategies for Settlers of Catan
Strategies for Settlers of Catan

Second: Identify Your Opponents’ Advantages

If it seems like you don’t have any of these advantages, look again. Chances are someone else seems to have the advantage you should have, but they’ve obtained it at a price. For example, it may seem like Linda has the lead in ore while you have a little less, but it turns out Linda didn’t get much wheat to go with her ore, so her useable ore is limited by her wheat, putting you in the effective ore lead. In fact, if someone doesn’t have a wheat source, you can often count them out of the game when assessing your edge over the competition. This is somewhat true with sheep too, especially for the ore-based strategies.

Settlers of Catan Game Board with Pieces
A game board set up according to the rules for Settlers of Catan.

Third: Plan Your Winning Strategy

There are basically two ways to win CATAN: building “Out” or “Up.” By choosing one strategy early in the game and focusing on it, you use the resources you have to your best advantage. Using the “Out” strategy lets you win through settlements and longest road. Using the “Up” strategy lets you win through cities, largest army, and development VP’s. Read more about these two strategies here.

Balance your advantages with those of your opponents, then decide on your winning strategy. Will you build “Up” or “Out”?

The bottom line is use what you have to our best advantage. These useful strategies will help you use what resources you have, but also consider the advantages you give yourself with a smart initial setup. Read tips on initial setup and other essential strategies for Settlers of Catan here.

What’s your favorite CATAN advantage? Are you Team Ore all the way? More into Longest Road? Let us know in the comments.


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